Privacy Policy

Last updated: 24/12/2023

Welcome to Cashfin Africa, where we prioritize the privacy and security of your personal information. This comprehensive Privacy Policy is meticulously crafted to provide you with an in-depth understanding of how we collect, use, disclose, and secure your data in strict compliance with African data protection regulations.

Our Privacy Principles

At Cashfin Africa, our commitment to privacy is guided by a set of principles that ensure your personal data is treated ethically and with the utmost care:

Transparency: We believe in providing clear and comprehensive information about our data processing activities. Transparency is not just a commitment; it's our guiding philosophy.

Lawfulness, Fairness, and Purpose Limitation: Our data processing is conducted lawfully, fairly, and for specified purposes. We adhere to legal standards, ensuring fairness in every interaction.

Data Minimization: We collect only the minimum amount of personal data necessary for our purposes. Your privacy is paramount, and we respect the principle of collecting only what is essential.

Accuracy: We strive to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. Your trust is built on accurate information, and we are committed to maintaining its integrity.

Storage Limitation: We retain your personal data only for the time necessary for the intended purposes. Unnecessary data is responsibly disposed of, aligning with data protection principles.

Integrity and Confidentiality: Ensuring the security and confidentiality of your personal data is our top priority. We implement stringent measures to safeguard your information from any compromise.

Personal Data We May Collect About You

In our commitment to delivering personalized and efficient financial services, we may collect a diverse range of personal data to enhance your experience:

Transparency: We believe in providing clear and comprehensive information about our data processing activities. Transparency is not just a commitment; it's our guiding philosophy.

Lawfulness, Fairness, and Purpose Limitation: Our data processing is conducted lawfully, fairly, and for specified purposes. We adhere to legal standards, ensuring fairness in every interaction.

Data Minimization: We collect only the minimum amount of personal data necessary for our purposes. Your privacy is paramount, and we respect the principle of collecting only what is essential.

Accuracy: We strive to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. Your trust is built on accurate information, and we are committed to maintaining its integrity.

Storage Limitation: We retain your personal data only for the time necessary for the intended purposes. Unnecessary data is responsibly disposed of, aligning with data protection principles.

Integrity and Confidentiality: Ensuring the security and confidentiality of your personal data is our top priority. We implement stringent measures to safeguard your information from any compromise.

The Legal Basis for Processing Your Personal Data

Our processing of your personal data is rooted in legal foundations such as the fulfillment of contractual obligations, compliance with legal requirements, and, where applicable, your explicit consent.

Specific Utilization of Your Personal Data

Cashfin Africa utilizes your personal data for a spectrum of purposes, including service provision, personalization, communication, and targeted marketing, all with the aim of delivering a seamless and tailored user experience.

Your Data Protection Rights

You retain several rights concerning your personal data, including the right to access, correct, and delete it. Reach out to [[email protected]] for guidance on exercising these rights.